
🚀 Data Science Specialist | Driving Business Success Through Insights

Hello! I'm Hrishikesh Kini, a seasoned Data Analyst with over a year of hands-on experience in the dynamic fields of data science and big data. 📊 My expertise lies in transforming raw data into strategic insights, consistently propelling businesses toward data-driven excellence.

💡 Analytical Mind, Strategic Impact:
Thriving on deciphering complex datasets, I turn them into actionable insights that become the backbone of informed business decisions. Whether collaborating with marketing teams to fine-tune campaigns or directly reporting insights to stakeholders, I revel in making businesses thrive in a data-driven landscape.

📈 Beyond the Numbers:
My passion extends beyond the data sheets. I'm deeply engrossed in the world of AI, regularly sharing insights into its potential, along with exploring the dynamic intersection of data science, big data, and stock market trading through my posts.

🛠️ Key Skills:

  • Programming: Proficient in Python and R for robust data analysis and scripting.
  • Big Data Technologies: Experienced in handling large datasets, utilizing tools like Hadoop and Spark.
  • Data Preparation & Feature Engineering: Expertise in cleaning, transforming, and preparing data, along with crafting meaningful features to enhance model performance.
  • Statistical Modeling: Applying statistical techniques to extract valuable insights.
  • Machine Learning Techniques: Proficient in a range of ML algorithms, including regression, classification, clustering, and ensemble methods.
  • Model Deployment: Successfully deploying models for real-world impact.
  • Monitoring and Optimization: Implementing continuous monitoring and optimization strategies for sustained model performance.
  • Forecasting Techniques: Advanced forecasting methods for predicting future trends.
  • Data Storytelling: Turning complex insights into compelling narratives for diverse audiences.

🚀 Eternal Learner, Trailblazer:
In the fast-paced tech world, I'm always a step ahead. Embracing new tools and staying attuned to industry trends in data science, big data, and AI, I ensure continuous growth and innovation.

🌐 Let's Connect and Explore:
I'm open to connecting with fellow professionals, data enthusiasts, or anyone keen on delving into the vast universe of data science, big data, and AI. Let's connect and explore the endless possibilities of data together!

  • Date of Birth: 03 May 2000
  • Phone: +91 8208873806
  • City: Hyderabad, Telangana
  • Email: hrishikesh.kini.35@gmail.com


Big Data Analytics

Data Science

Time Series Forecasting

Cloud Coumputing (AWS, GCP)

Blockchain Technology

Data Visualization & Insights Finding

Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)

Computer Vision


Bachelor of Computer Application

June 2018 - October 2021
Relevant Coursework
  • Android Programming
  • Database Management system
  • Web Technology

Higher Secondary (Science Stream)

June 2016 - May 2018
Relevant Coursework
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Physics

Online Certification

NoSQL, Big Data, and Spark Foundations Specialization

Advanced Data Science with IBM

Machine Learning & Deep Learning in Python & R

Pandas Masterclass: Advanced Data Analysis with Pandas

The Python Programming Comprehensive Bootcamp

C++ Programming Step By Step From Beginner To Ultimate Level



September 2022 - November 2023

Data Analyst

    Cross-Functional Maestro:
    Harmonized collaborations with marketing, product teams, and stakeholders, unveiling data insights and strategic recommendations.
    • Achieved a 25% ROI surge through data-driven marketing optimizations, reducing CAC by 20%.
    • Spearheaded product launches, elevating MAU by 30%, and cutting Time to Value by 15%.
    • Monitored Feature Usage Rate, ensuring a 25% boost in customer engagement.
    • Implemented video metrics, yielding a 40% increase in engagement and 25% higher retention.
    • Enhanced video content, contributing to a 20% growth in average watch time.

    Key Skills: Collaborative Leadership, Data-Driven Strategies, Stakeholder Engagement.

    Big Data & Database Optimization:
    Trimmed data loading times by 40%, ensuring timely access to critical information. Contributed to a 25% increase in database performance.

    Key Skills: Big Data Optimization, Database Performance, Data Loading Efficiency.

    Revolutionizing Customer Support:
    Transformed support with an advanced Sales Executive Chatbot, leveraging cutting-edge language models, language chaining, and real-time web scraping. Achieved 40% faster response times, boosting customer satisfaction by 25%. Liberated sales executives for critical tasks, saving 15 hours weekly, and amplifying productivity and revenue generation.

    Key Skills: Chatbot Development, Customer Satisfaction Enhancement, Productivity Improvement.

    OCR Excellence: Image-to-Text Transformation:
    Delivered an OCR project with a 95% accuracy rate, enhancing extraction efficiency by 35%. Implemented data preprocessing, resulting in a 30% OCR enhancement.

    Key Skills: OCR, Image-to-Text Transformation, Data Preprocessing.

    R&D Achievements:
    Pioneered R&D, advancing data analytics methodologies with groundbreaking approaches. Explored innovative data science techniques, ensuring continuous evolution and trend awareness.

    Key Skills: Research and Development, Innovative Methodologies, Trend Awareness.


June 2022 - September 2022

Data Analyst Intern


    Recommendation Engine Development:
    • Designed and implemented a recommendation engine, leveraging collaborative and content-based filtering methodologies.
    • Resulted in a significant 45% boost in user engagement, enhancing the overall user experience.

    Automation of Mentor-Mentee Matchmaking System:
    • Automated the mentor-mentee matchmaking system for doubt clearing, reducing manual efforts.
    • Achieved a time and cost savings of 15 hours, streamlining processes and improving overall efficiency.

    Exploratory Data Analysis and Dashboard Creation:
    • Conducted exploratory data analysis on various datasets, extracting actionable insights to inform business strategies.
    • Developed interactive dashboards using Python, Tableau, and Advanced Excel, providing a visual representation of key performance metrics.

    Technologies Used:
    • Python
    • Tableau
    • Advanced Excel

    • Enhanced operational efficiency by automating time-consuming manual processes.
    • Empowered decision-making through insightful data analysis and visualization.
    • Contributed to a significant improvement in user engagement, fostering a more personalized user experience.

The Sparks Fundation

April 2022 - May 2022

Data Science Intern

  • Gathered, reviewed, analyzed, and implemented data requirements effectively by creating algorithms based on deep-dive statistical analysis & predictive data modeling.
  • Deploying quantitate analysis and data visualization to present data. Design, run and measure experiments to test business hypotheses.
  • Performed Trend Analysis on Data and applied best practices of problemsolving and effective communication.


January 2022 -March 2022

Machine Learning Intern

  • Performed tasks like data exploration, data cleaning, and feature engineering on the data, where data extracted from the Cassandra database.
  • Trying out different machine learning and deep learning algorithm to increase the accuracy of model, follwed by hyperparameter tuning to optimise the accuracy or score
  • Writing and maintaining requirement documents for different strategies used in project building (High-level Document, Low-level document, Architecture, wireframe).
  • Deploying machine learning models on the cloud (Heroku) and exposing a complete solution as an API.


  • All
  • Web-App
  • Data Analysis
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • MLOps
  • Generative AI

AdenoDetect Pro : Adenocarcinoma Classification Enhanced by MLOps

FinScribe : News Research Bot Using LLM

Sales Insights Data Analysis PowerBi, Tableau

Books Recommender System Web App

Movie Recommender System Web App

Water Quality : Drinking water potability

Dog Breed

Flights Fare Predictions Web App

Carinfinity Machine learning project

Stock Price Prediction Using LSTM

Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Pycaret

Flight fare prediction using auto-sklearn

Heart Attack Risk predictor using EvalML

Petrol Prices

Zomato Restaurant Rating Prediction

Bank Customer Churn Prediction

Pima Indians Diabetes Prediction

Youtube videos

Indian Stocks Price

School Donation

Expensive Football Players Analysis


Languages and Databases

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Cloud and MlOps

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Big Data And Databases

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My Address

Panajim Goa

Hyderabad Telangana

Social Profiles




+91 8208873806